The application contains a currency recognition service and text reading, and the user can use the flash and return the result that was previously pronounced, and there is also a help button explaining the location of the services.To use the application, you must ensure that Google Text-to-speech is installed and activated.After opening the app on the main page, there is a currency finder button in the bottom right, reading the text in the bottom left, the help button in the top left, and flash control in the top right.After clicking on either of the two services, a new page appears with the image and a Back button in the top left that opens the previous page, and a Replay button in the top right that reads the last result.Knowledge of the currency works without internet, and reading is required. Internet, in the event of failure to connect to the Internet after taking a picture for reading, a new button appears between the return and back buttons that enables the reading to be retried.